WS1 – Situational and behavioural analysis

WS1 Objectives:

  1. Identify the strengths, weaknesses and behavioural levers of the existing health care infrastructure related to the reporting of GBV by obstetrical/gynaecological professionals, nurses and midwives confronted with victims coming for routine pre- and perinatal care;
  2. Identify the strengths, weaknesses and behavioural levers of the existing social work infrastructure and specialized services at the maternity clinic related to the provision of support for victims who are pregnant or in first year after pregnancy;
  3. Identify the behavioural level of change of the partners involved regarding identification of GBV within the health setting and reporting to specialized GBV services.


WS1 Description of work:

Discussion with health care managers in each country to identify strengths, weaknesses and behavioural levers at the health care setting and facilitate uptake of multi-sectoral, multi-disciplinary Maternity-based Victim Protection Groups;

Discussion with health care staff and social workers to identify existing materials/resources/protocols on the topic of provision of health services for pregnant victims of gender-based violence;

Discussion with health sector policy makers to identify legal frameworks for provision of care in the health setting in each country and multi-sectoral, multi-disciplinary Maternity-based Victim Protection Groups in all health settings.



Situational and behavioural analysis in the 5 countries participating in the capacity building at health system setting and national level – D.1_Situational_Analysis_Report


If you would like more information on WS1 activities please contact:

WS1 Leading Partner (Gesine, Germany):

Ulrike Janz,
