The RESPONSE Manuals can be found in the tools section of the website:
WS2 Objectives:
Implement train-the-trainer seminar (1 day) to empower three maternal health professionals and three social workers in each of the 5 partner countries;
Perform and evaluate health care capacity building seminars (1x 4 hours) and at least 3 hours of follow-up seminars, in each of the 5 partner countries to empower obstetric/gynecological and midwives to improve reporting of GBV to specialized services.
WS2 Description of work:
Develop the train-the-trainer seminar package based on existing training manuals from UNFPA and Daphne project IMPLEMENT;
Implement the train the trainer seminar to empower maternal health professionals and social workers to become trainers;
Implement the capacity building seminars to empower maternal health professionals;
Conduct the evaluation of the training intervention (capacity building seminars).
Train-the-trainer seminar package – a webinar is available in the tools section of the website (
Capacity building seminar package – the manual and slides are available in the tools section of the website (
Capacity building evaluation report – D.2.5-7_Capacity_building_evaluation_report
If you would like more information on WS2 activities please contact:
WS2 Leading Partner (Psytel, France):
Marc Nectoux,
WS2 co-coordinator (Psytel, France):
Mathilde Sengoelge, PhD