Between May, 22nd – 24th 2017 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, the Department of Public Health has organized 2nd International Conference on Non-communicable Diseases (ICONiC) Hold the Door Against Injury and Disease.
This edition of the conference was jointly supported by the Center for International Rural and Environmental Health and the Injury Prevention Research Center, College of Public Health, University of Iowa, and organized by the Department of Public Health, College of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca.
This edition of the conference addresses both the field of non-communicable disease and the field of violence and injury prevention and aimed to provide a forum that enables practitioners, researchers, business developers and service users to share new research trends and evidence-based practices in the fields of non-communicable diseases and injury prevention.
Therefore, we used this opportunity to present our RESPONSE Project to a wide audience of health practitioners and professionals from Romania, US, UK, Armenia, Georgia and The Republic of Moldova. The project was presented as part of the session violence against women, on day #1 of the conference. This is how the session looked like:
Andra Croitoru – Governmental efforts to prevent and combat gender based violence
Diana Dulf, PhD, Mara Timofe, PhD (c) – Multi-agency response for reporting of GBV in maternal health services
Ecaterina Balica, PhD – Femicide-suicides the end of the violent relationships: Risk factors and Social and Health Prevention
Christine Harrison, PhD – No longer silent victims? Understanding the impact of domestic violence on children and young people
Pictures from the conference: