Ulrike Janz, German partner with GESINE Network, authored an article published in the November 2018 issue the German journal Clio, which circulates 3000 issues and has 1200 subscriptions (many of which are institutions). The article, written in German, provides a brief outline of available research about the health significance of gender-based violence for women who experience violence, particularly the vulnerable position of pregnant women and subsequent health consequences. The article also describes the pioneering involvement of midwives in providing training on the topic of gender-based violence and trauma and in ensuring the continuing education on the subject within obstetric work, including secondary and re-traumatization. The article then introduces the RESPONSE Project and its significant contribution within the German healthcare framework.
The full article available in German can be accessed in the following link: https://www.ffgz.de/bestellen/clio-zeitschrift/inhaltsverzeichnisse/clio-87.html